Chiropractic Adjustments in Castle Rock CO

Campbell Chiropractic provides a wide range of chiropractic adjustments in Castle Rock CO. Let’s examine how these non-invasive treatments work — and how they can help you enjoy greater comfort, mobility and wellness.
Back Pain Relief, Neck Pain Relief And So Much More in Castle Rock CO
Many people think of chiropractic adjustment purely as a method for obtaining drug-free back pain relief or neck pain relief. While it certainly does provide such relief, chiropractic adjustment is also capable of helping your body in a variety of other ways. That’s because even the smallest subluxation (dislocation within a joint), can limit your range of motion and throw off your musculoskeletal alignment. These imbalances can then lead to chronic muscle strain, frequent injuries, and vertebral disc problems. You may also suffer from nerve impingement that reduces your body’s ability to regulate its own systemic functions efficiently.
Chiropractic adjustments correct these joint imbalances. By targeting subluxation and normalizing joint position, our chiropractic clinic in Castle Rock CO can relieve joint, muscle and nerve pain while also improving your body’s ability to communicate with itself.
Techniques Offered By Our Chiropractor In Castle Rock CO
Our chiropractor in Castle Rock CO, Dr. Corey Campbell, studied at the prestigious Palmer College of Chiropractic, so it’s no surprise that he is so well versed in principles originally set forth by D. D. Palmer, the founder of chiropractic medicine. Chiropractic care has evolved to include both manual and instrument-based techniques, and Dr. Campbell has mastered both types of care to meet different individuals’ needs. You may benefit from:
- Diversified Technique – This tried-and-true technique, based closely on Dr. Palmer’s original methods, lives up to its name through its tremendous versatility in treating a wide range of problems. As you lie comfortably on our treatment table, our chiropractor uses his hands to apply high-velocity, low-amplitude force to specific joints. This may release trapped gas from within the joint, producing a harmless popping sound, as the joint components are brought back into their proper position.
- Activator Method – Some conditions that produce back pain, neck pain, headaches and other symptoms may call for especially small, precise adjustments. In these cases, our chiropractor uses a handheld instrument called an Activator Adjusting Instrument instead of manual adjustment techniques. This instrument makes its adjustments to quickly that the muscles don’t even have time react and resist, producing highly effective results.
Chiropractic adjustment doesn’t have to serve as a standalone treatment. Our chiropractic clinic in Castle Rock CO can combine this healing modality with a variety of other therapeutic methods to make sure every aspect of your health, wellness, pain management or injury rehabilitation is being addressed as thoroughly as possible.
Campbell Chiropractic Can Get You Adjusted
Rely on Castle Chiropractic as your resource for safe, effective musculoskeletal adjustments that can greatly enhance your quality of life. Call (303) 663-8365 today for a consultation with our chiropractor in Castle Rock CO, and find out first-hand what our natural healing techniques can do for you!
9:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Campbell Chiropractic
3750 Dacoro Ln Suite 135
Castle Rock, CO 80109
P: (303) 663-8365
F: (720) 889-9288